Clothespin Bag is A Must!!


In making a clothes pin bag there are a few rules.

1- all fabrics have to be darling.

2- find or make and easy pattern that looks hard.

3- if it has an apron embroidery always makes it pop!

4- if it needs buttons, use the cutest ones you can find.

5- if your bag is darling your neighbor will pay more attention to the bag rather than notice you need to brush your hair

The end results will be so worth it!



  1. Love, love your clothespin bag. It is absolutely sweet. Enjoyed all the tips you gave for making it.

  2. It looks so adorable.. I have an old one that has now faded a bit.. I keep saying I'm going to make a new one and sure haven't.. but this is very encouraging.. so maybe I will do it now.. great job.. Have a great new week.. with love Janice

  3. Absolutely adorable post in every way! Love the storyline...the fabrics chosen...and the darling clothesline! So cute!

  4. I have to make myself a new one! I'm using my husband's grandmother's clothes pin bag and it is becoming quite worn, thin and a few holes!!! Guess I'll take it apart and make myself a new to shop my stash!

  5. Your cloths line and cloths line bag are just sew cute.

  6. Your cloths pin bag is so cute. I bought one not to long ago to use as a pattern and have not done it yet.
    Love your cloths line.


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