Joining in the Fun!!

Just who could resist joining in on all the fun!
Not Me...I am sew in!
Lori for Bee In My Bonnet Start another fun sew along.
She will be posting every Friday and has 45 bloggers lined up to post too!
You can see it at:
 We are sewing along from her new book
Farm girl Vintage
This is going to be "Sew" fun.
If you have joined in on any other Sew Alongs then you know.
She started off with showing us how to make a darling pin cushion that you can do with any of the blocks from her book.
We are only 1 block into it so there is still time to join.
And if you need the book you can order it from her too, just check out her site to find out how.
I will show you my block in my next post....
And I have been working on the Hen quilt in the book...
I love it!!!

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