Are You Ready for Some Sewing Fun!

Lori from Bee In My Bonnet is doing another "Sew Along".
This one is called Flower Box Sew Along.
You can see her instructions on her blog:

Lori has a new book coming out in April and there will be even more fun.
So I consider this the Pre- Fun!

This is the Quilt Square we will be making.
Now if you haven't joined Instagram you should because everyone 
will be posting their blocks. Not only is it fun to see all the different
fabric combinations but its fun to follow and sew along.
Besides its like I said this the Pre- Fun!
Getting ready for the sew along when Lori's book
Farm Girl Vintage comes out. 
She posted a lot of sneak peeks on instagram.
You won't believe how much fun Pre-fun can be!


  1. This does look like it would be fun and I am so tempted but I am determined to complete some projects before starting new ones. It will be fun to come back and see your project.

  2. Looks like a fun project and how neat to be able to see what everyone else is doing! LOVE that flower pot fabric!!


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