Moving Fun

I haven't been posting because so busy getting our new place ready to move into.
When you move from the suburbs to the country there is a lot to learn. 
Septic systems, wells, animals, ponds and never forget stinging needles.
We are re carpeting, painting and general remodeling. 
Took a break and this is a picture of our back yard. 
We have a lot of deer and I am learning which flowers they will and won't eat. LOL
I will be so glad to be done and moved in!


  1. Oh geez, you are so right. I had a lot to learn as well when move out here. Sometimes I think it is more work to live in the country. But it is so worth it.

  2. I moved to the country 9 years ago and just love the solitude with my closest neighbor 3 miles away! A dog in the yard helps to keep the deer away from your garden. We recently lost our farm dog and the deer took advantage of that and ate the lower branches of our trees!!! Enjoy your new house and the new up-close-and-personal look you will get with nature!!


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