Flying in the San Juans

I have the best job ever. I not only live in Paradise,
but I get to fly to other islands.

This is setting off in Friday Harbor.

The plane I went in.

So beautiful here and from the air its amazing.

I love going in the plane. It also makes sense of where everything 
is when you are up so high to see the islands.

I wish the flights weren't so fast.



  1. That is so cool!! Have you ever told us exactly what your job is that took you to that beautiful place?

  2. Oh my gosh! My favorite summer ever was being on my uncle's boat and going from island to island there but to see it from an aerial view would be so amazing! You make me want to come visit!!!

  3. That is so beautiful. Maybe I could be the official luggage carrier for you. Just beautiful. Don't know what your job is but is surely a winner

  4. Oh, Debbie, you are definitely one very lucky woman getting to fly in the beautiful San Juan's! I've done a cruise through the San Juan's when I was a teen and lately I took the ferry from Port Angeles to I want to fly the islands!

  5. I am the Area Plant Supervisor for Centurylink. And I love my job!


  6. We rode our bikes on the San Juan islands last Sept... beautiful.


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