
This is me this week! 
My stitching husband is so far ahead of me it isn't funny. 
I have at least 10 new patterns that he has stitched for me, but I don't have them in pattern form yet.
So look at the picture above and that is me when I walk in the house and he is done with another one!
I thought if I drew a fluffy duck it would take him longer but nooooo....

I keep showing you the new stitcheries and the patterns will follow I promise.
But got to go my Husband needs more to stitch!


  1. Chop, chop! You must keep your hubby busy. He does such a fabulous job. :-)

  2. SO cute. A stitching husband? I will have to show mine as he paints with me. :-)

  3. I Still Think You Should Hire Him Out!

  4. It's just so cool that he's such a great stitcher. :D That's an adorable chick, for sure, too. And Cheryl's got a fantastic idea there. . .

  5. You and your hubby are a good team! The chick is adorable.


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