Yes the girls are doing it again!

Stitch me UP sign up ....

8 Embroidery Patterns...


Are doing this Embroidery Blog Hop.
I am excited to say not only did I sign up but they are using 2 of my patterns!
I was so excited when Samm called and asked me to be part of this!!
I almost feel off my chair!
But I got busy and designed a cottage and a comfy chair with a dress form next to it.
 The other designers are 

If you want to join in the fun go over to Jane's blog and sign up.
You will have 2 months to do your project and you will get 8 patterns!
I am so excited !

1 comment

  1. I have already signed up and started my first project. I LOVE your stitching patterns included in the choices! Great Job! Thank you!


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