
Its a Beautiful Day outside and I have a million 
things to do...
I don't want to do any of them...
I think I am going to open the blinds and the window
and sit and stitch in my favorite chair.
What are your plans for today?


  1. It's raining buckets here at the mission, and has been for three days - water is standing in the fields. I work on Sunday afternoon welcoming our weekly volunteers as they arrive but in between arrivals I'll be stitching too! blessings, marlene

  2. Sounds great to me...I think I will go sit on the porch..Question does Melaine still teach classes at Bosch? I looked up her blog, but no post's since 2011.. Have a great day.

  3. Your plan sounds like a good one. Only I would add a good book to the mix.


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