Friendship Club


In our Quilt Group we have what is called Friendship Group.
We had a sign up and have 16 wonderful sewing women that
signed up. Each Woman get a month and when it your turn you pick a block
you want your friends to sew for you.
It can be what ever block you want and the size you want.
You can supply the background or a color you want in the
We turn them in on the first Wednesday of the month.
A display wall is used to see what everyone did.
Its "SEW" fun to see them all together and will be even more fun to see them completed.
After we display the finished ones, the person who is next will pass out their pattern with any fabric they want used and show an example of what they want.
 They will tells us why they chose this pattern and discuss colors.
I t is so fun to see what everyone decides on.
One of the women had pieces of fabric from her childhood,
IE: fabric from mothers apron, her favorite dress, play clothes etc.
 I have really enjoyed every month.

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